Meet Samuel, Lead Program Manager at Imaginable Futures. He supports education strategy and investments in Kenya.
Prior to joining Omidyar Network, Samuel was head of research at the Faida Investment Bank. In this role, he led a research team focused on building financial models, forecasting and valuation, and analyzing the financial performance of companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. As a senior financial analyst at Faida, Samuel was a key member of the corporate finance department and provided transaction advisory services related to mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, and business consultancy.
I am proud of being part of the founding team that set up the research department in Faida Investment Bank. In less than 3 years, this same team was recognized as the 2nd best research team in Kenya.
Teamwork and our shared mission. I love working side by side with people who have a shared vision and deep desire to inspire vibrant inclusive communities through learning.
The importance of integrity and dependability. These two qualities are very important and most commonly overlooked when we think of the world of work today where technical skills are given high priority.
When I was in primary school I wanted to be a doctor until I went to high school and realized I did not like the sight of blood.
At the beach in Diani/Watamu.
Hearing my son laugh.
John Sibi Okumu
Anytime with no rain. We have no seasons in Kenya.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” —Thomas Edison.
Inclusive and thriving communities.