In spite of being a middle-income country with an annual education budget that is nearly 20% of public budget, South Africa languishes behind many low-middle income countries from a quality perspective. Further, SA's historical legacy means that the brunt of this is borne by schools serving lower-income quintile families and communities. The Public School Partnerships ("PSP Coalition") aims to provide quality education to students from lower-quintile families within the public system through collaboration schools that will transform existing low performing schools and deliver high quality education in new schools with a critical view on improved student outcomes and improved school management and performance.
There is no way to change the shape of the quality curve in education without investing substantially more in the poorest schools – not just money, but time and expertise. If we are to break the cycles of under-provision, turgidity and demotivation that typify these schools, we must transform their management so that they become places to which you choose to send your children