Organization Name: Observatório da Branquitude

Focus Area: Adult Learners
Region: Brazil / Latin America
Sector: Non-Profit
Investment Year: 2023
Observatório da Branquitude (OdB) is a civil society initiative that is dedicated to producing and sharing knowledge around racial identity and power structures, particularly around intergenerational and structural privileges maintained by white people in Brazil. OdB was founded on the belief that racism should be seen and discussed through the lens of white privilege, and that white people should be held accountable for dismantling it.

Why We Invested

We invested in the observatory because we believe that knowledge production is critical to establishing new narratives around racism. We also believe that the observatory can contribute to cultivating conscious Blackness and self-critical whiteness, which are key levers for public policy change and advocacy efforts that advance racial equity.

We need to look at the perpetrators of racism—how they learn to practice racism and how they benefit from material and symbolic advantages.
Thales Vieira, executive director, Observatório da Branquitude