Early childhood research is a critical tool for developing and implementing effective policies, practices and strategies that improve children’s learning and well-being. While we know that racism and discrimination have a profound impact on children’s experiences, well-being and learning, there are few research centers in the US focused explicitly on the early childhood experiences of children and families from under-resourced communities, and even fewer focused specifically on Black children and families. The Equity Research Action Coalition, founded by leading scholar Dr. Iheoma Iruka, helps to fill this critical gap by supporting a growing network of talented researchers of color, who are applying their academic skills to producing action-oriented research that centers Black children and their families. We are proud to support the Equity Research Action Coalition’s efforts to ensure that the research used to assess and inform systems change is grounded in equitable approaches.
The Coalition develops evidence informing practice and policy aimed at eradicating impact of racism and its consequences, such as poverty, on lives of Black and other minoritized children, families, and communities. We are working with other organizations to uplift the agenda while centering Black people and their experiences in society. Black people have a culture which is of great value. This work is about affirming Black people, Black culture, plus Black children's joy and well-being.