A Latin American Leadership Academy (LALA) busca promover o desenvolvimento econômico sustentável e fortalecer a governança democrática na América Latina. A LALA forma líderes empresariais que atuarão contra os desafios sistêmicos na região, oferecendo workshops on-line e presenciais. Nosso investimento apoia os esforços da LALA para ampliar seu trabalho, expandindo o alcance da organização e contribuindo para a transformação das comunidades no Brasil, valorizando a equidade.
We had been searching for the single highest-leverage problem we could solve to unravel the system of problems holding Latin America back. But we realized we had been looking at it the wrong way. Instead of searching for the silver bullet, the key was to find the people who would transform their own communities. Developing and connecting thousands of such leaders would be the most authentic, scalable and sustainable way to transform the continent. This is what LALA has set out to do.