Setting the Stage: Learnings on Advancing JEDI Through An Organizational Lens
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Imagine a world where every person has the opportunity to build a brighter future for themselves and their community. Imagine a world where learners, families and communities drive innovative solutions that prepare them to thrive in an ever-changing world. Imagine a world where systems are grounded in justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, and all learners can become what they dream. Imaginable Futures works together with our partners to make that world our collective reality.

Why Imaginable Futures

Learning, to Change Our Future

Learning is crucial to individual and family well-being. It’s also key to building thriving, more equitable and healthier societies. Too often, current education systems reproduce inequities and create barriers to opportunity. As a social change funder, we invest in people, ideas and partnerships that disrupt patterns of inequity and spark transformation for learners of all ages in Brazil, Kenya, South Africa and the United States.

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Impacting Learners and their Community

There has never been a greater need for imaginative ideas and inclusive, collaborative leadership in learning. We work together with changemakers to ensure that communities are involved in creating the solutions that work for them. Together with our partners, we are dedicated to co-creating more equitable and healthy systems that give everyone the opportunity to thrive.

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Empowering Africa's Youth Workforce

Across Africa, millions of young people face a labor market fraught with challenges, including high unemployment, a skills gap between education and industry needs, and limited access to resources. Generation Kenya recruits and upskills young people who are historically marginalized or otherwise facing barriers to accessing the job market and places them in dignified careers across a range of sectors and professions.

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Authoring a New Narrative on the College Experience

In the US, one in five of all college students are raising children, yet their stories are still largely absent from public consciousness. Two memoirs released in the last few years by former student parents, Nicole Lynn Lewis ("Pregnant Girl") and Stephanie Land ("Maid" and "Class") paint a new narrative on the college experience and who belongs in college.

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Allocating Resources to Promote Racial Equity in Education

While Black and Indigenous organizations play a central role in proposing practices and public policies that promote racial equity in education, they receive only a small fraction of philanthropic capital in Brazil. We partnered with Unibanco Institute to launch a call for proposals to select 20 civil society organizations led by Black, Indigenous, or Quilombola individuals, providing financial support, institutional development assistance, mentoring and the sharing of practices and knowledge.

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Million Invested
Portfolio Partners
Countries Reached
Our portfolio numbers include those investments made as part of Omidyar Network that have transitioned to Imaginable Futures and those investments made in affiliation with Omidyar Network India. Countries include where our portfolio self-identified impact.